A downloadable game

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Perform outrageous stunts to get followers! Just don't kill yourself while doing it.

The theme for LD40 was "The more you have, the worse it is". In this game, the goal is to get the most followers for internet stardom. To do this, you need to perform stunts to get followers, but every stunt is a risk to your health.

So...the more followers, the worse it is for your health ...get it


Gameplay revolves around "designing" stunts using a madlibs-style interface. When you do a stunt, you get followers, and then you can sell your followers' data to various interested parties. This allows you to convert followers to money. Money can then be used to unlock new stunts.

In a nutshell

  • Design unique stunts
  • Avoid taking damage


Each stunt consists of three main values:

  • Risk percentage: The chances of an accident/injury
  • Danger: The health lost if you have an accident/injury
  • Stupidity level: A special value with some situational bonuses. The main benefit is that getting away with risky behavior increases your "dumb luck" stat. This stat reduces your risk.


This includes avoiding an accident in a stunt with 50%, or having an accident in a stunt with less than 50% risk. Doing any of those things increase your dumb luck.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

InternetPoints-windows.zip 7.1 MB